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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
In this part of the tutorial we start the building of the camera obscura. |
Ok! Let's make it !Do some drawings to measure out the size of the box you need. Then measure out and cut your box pieces on foamboard or cardboard.
Ok, lets start building it. here I have one side up and glued to the base.
Now I have added the other side and the back. These can all be glued together.
Now I have added the angled piece that will hold the mirror.
Here I have measured and cut the front piece of the box. This is where the lens will go, right at the center of that X. Don't glue this piece in yet.
Cut a hole in the center of that piece and mount your lens into it. Remember to note which way the lens is. There is a forward and backward!
There you go. It looks good. Still do not actually glue this piece into your box yet.
Looks good, make sure it fits nicely but don't glue it yet. We will need to slide that piece forward or backward a little bit to bring it into focus. After we have done that then we glue it in place.
Glue the mirror onto the angled piece of foamboard.
Now make your top of the box piece, measure and cut the observation hole in it. You can start with a small rectangle, test it and open that rectangle more if need be.
Now glue that top piece on.
Now make yourself a shroud like this to go around the viewing portal. This keeps the light away from the image. It will make it much easier for you to see the image.
It goes around the viewing portal like this. But do not glue it on yet.
Make a Zoetrope A zoetrope is a fun little animation project. It has some similarities to the thaumatrope but instead of two images it has several. So there is more animation! You put a series of images inside a tube and spin the tube. Look through slots you made and the images become an animation. Fun and easy. And I give you the template with the animation ready to go. Make a Zoetrope
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