I have a youtube channel with over 700 Videos!
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I have a youtube channel with over 700 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This project is completed. And it is an interesting one. Here I tell you a little bit about the process of how it became and point out some of the more interesting aspects of it. I also have a video on how to make this. That video is at the bottom of the page. |
I am bulding a wizard's lair. It is for my youtube channel. And a wizard's lair has a whole lot of interesting stuff in it. And a good guess that some kind of a globe is part of that. So, for now I call this the wizards globe and it is a fun project. This is it at an earlier stage of the process. This project also ties into my project to make a fantasy map and the overall wizards lair project here
And there is an overarching and overlapping meaning to this globe because it is also a representation of the fantasy world from my upcoming novel The Left Handed Sword.
A Quick Look at the Project
The gimbals are those two round hoops. One is attached directly to the globe and the other attached between the inner gimbal and the larger fixed hoop.
There is a beautiful duality in these two projects. One describes the sky above and one works on the rotation of the earth below. My wizards globe, in a way, traverses these two. The building of itThis started out a bit tricky because I had no idea how I was going to make a globe this big. It's about 2 feet in diameter. And it had to be reasonably durable and strong because of all the terrain on it. I talked to a lot of people about what I was looking for and somebody told me that an exercise ball might do it. So.... I bought an exercise ball and gave it a try. Sure enough it works great. It had to be nice and firm so it wouldn't distort much under the pressure of various arts and crafts supplies including clay.
The Base is carved all out of foamular home insulation foam that I bought at Home Depot. You can see it in the picture below. It is a companion piece to the wizards table.
The first step was to blow up the ball so it was nice and sturdy with very little give. Then I covered it with several layers of plaster cloth.
Then I painted the terrain on it. This way I could tinker with it before I committed to making the actual terrain with clay. Once I was happy with it I made the terrain with Paper clay. This stuff is amazing :)
Creative Paperclay for Modeling Compound, 16-Ounce, White
Here is the finished globe and stand.
And here is a look at some of the landscape details
Watch the Video Tutorial here: