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Make Thor's Stormbreaker - Part 4: The handle

In this part of the tutorial we make the handle for Stormbreaker. All you need for this is a sheet of foamboard. You can alternatively use cardboard.



In the template there are three pieces designated as the handle. Cut those three pieces out.


And tape them together to form the handle template.


Place that template on your sheet of foamboard and trace it - five times. You want five handle pieces - we will glue them together into a stack that makes a nice strong handle.


Cut those five handle pieces out.


Then glue them together, one right on top of the other. You want a nice strong stack of five. This will be a really good handle for your stormbreaker. Trim the edges with a knife to make it all smooth.


NextOkay, the handle is assembled. Set it aside for now and let's return to the head of the weapon (continue)