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Telescope Stuff

Making Telescopes

Buying Telescopes

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Astronomy Activities





Nebula in a bottle

Make a Nebula in a bottle

A nebula is a beautiful object in the night sky. And you can have one on your bureau or desk. I show you how to make one with a few around the house items. Make a nebula in a bottle


Make an eight inch newtonian reflector telescope

A wonderful project to make a very capable telescope with a lot of light gathering power. I show you step by step. Make an eight inch reflector telescope


Make a Wizard's Orrery

An orrery is a mechanical device that shows the movement of celestial objects. We make one that shows the motions of the Sun the Earth and the Moon. And we do it with foam board. Make a Wizard's Orrery


Make a telescope

How to make a small and easy telescope
This is a complete tutorial on how to make a small telescope using lenses. I show you everything you need to know. Make a small refractor telescope


Make a Unique Solar System Diorama. The Diorama is in the shape of a telescope (Just a shipping tube) and you look inside the telescope to see the planets by either looking in the eyepiece or by taking the cover off. Neat little diorama that is really unique yet easy to make. Make a Solar System Diorama


Make a simple diorama

This is a great project for kids. You need a small box, glue stick, scissors and a magazine. That's it. I show you how to make a simple diorama.




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