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Learn How to Play Classical Guitar

classical Guitar - Learn How to PlayThe Free Step By step Classical Guitar Tutorial. How to choose a guitar, get the right books, Body and hand positioning and more.

This page is broken down into three sections: Section 1: Choosing a guitar - complete with a link to Amazon.com where you can purchase a guitar.Section 2: Advice on what course books you should get.Section 3: Complete tutorial to get you started.




What do you need to Play?


Can't Decide?
Don't get nervous about all of this. You are embarking on a journey that will add a level of enrichment to your life that you will cherish. The guitar will be there for you when you want to relax, want to enjoy, want to share with other people or just have fun. In no time at all you will be experiencing the richness that playing an instrument has to offer. If you are totally not sure about what you need to get playing. Or if you have looked through all the materials on guitars and instruction books and still can't decide. I have put together a low cost list for you. It tells you exactly what to get so you can get playing.The get playing Classical Guitar Kit

Section 1: Choosing a Guitar

First and foremost, it is important that you choose a guitar that is specifically made for classical music. If you are considering a folk guitar it isn't a good choice. Or if you already have a folk guitar it doesn't work for classical guitar. There are several significant differences between classical guitar and Folk guitars. Continue on with this tutorial

Section 2: What books and Course Should you get?

There are many courses you can take and almost all of them are terrific. This tutorial points them out to you. Classical guitar instruction books

Section 3: The Beginners Tutorial on how to Play

Ready to get started? If you are an absolute beginner this tutorial is for you. Classical Guitar Tutorial for beginners

If you are a fan of the Classical Guitar this book is an absolute must!

The Classical guitar: A complete history
The Classical Guitar: A Complete History