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Make Excalibur part 4: wrapping the handle

In this part of the tutorial we finish the sword by wrapping the handle and sealing the whole sword with a sealant (Mod Podge).




Start the handle work by drawing a line down the center of it with a black marker.

draw a center line


When it comes to wrapping the handle you have lots of options. I cut thin strips of black leather. If you don't have any black leather you could use black shoelaces, black wire or you could even just use the black marker to draw on the wrapping lines.


Cut thin leather strips


Start by wrapping one strip around the handle in a spiral pattern.

Do frirst wrap on handle


Then wrap a second strip in the opposite direction to create X shapes.

Do second wrap on handle


Here is how it looks. Wrap your sword handle like this.

The handle is wrapped


Okay! That's it. The sword is complete. If you have some kind of sealant you can go ahead and seal it. I am using a brush on Mod Podge. A sealant will protect the sword and keep the colors crisp and vibrant.


Seal the whole sword



Mod Podge Waterbase Sealer, Glue and Finish (16-Ounce), CS11302 Matte Finish

Mod Podge dries clear in approximately 15-20 minutes and can be sanded to a smooth finish. Apply with brush or sponge applicator. Close container after each use. Clean up with water while wet. Once dry, Mod Podge cannot be removed. Use as a puzzle saver, a sealer glue, a quick finish, a textured finish,or a build-up finish." Non-toxic.



The completed sword



Want to make a stone for your sword? You can make it a sword in the stone - I have a tutorial!

I show you how to make a realistic looking boulder. You can make it any size you want. It is light, and the secret is in how you paint it. How to make a boulder