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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Special Books
Are you looking for insight into what it is like to be human? Are you looking for brilliant minds to show you things about yourself and this amazing universe we live in?These books are all a very cherished part of Will's collection (A collection of well over 1000 books) Some of them I stumbled across strictly by accident others were recommended to me but they all are very special and should be a part of every persons library.
I am a big fan of Thomas Moore and have read and re-read Care of the Soul
many times. This new book is a must for me. This book sees our times of trouble as passages of possibility and growth.
Dark Nights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Lifes Ordeals
Godel, Escher, Bach :An Eternal Golden Braid -By Douglas Hofstadter - This is a remarkable book about patterns, artificial intelligence and much more. It weaves the works of the mathematician Godel, the artist Escher, and the Composer Bach. You will be astonished by this book. If you consider yourself a thinking person you have got to get this book. It will open your mind.
The Art of Looking Sideways -By Alan Fletcher One of the books I refer to over and over. It is written by a graphic designer but don't let that fool you. It is an eye opening experience. I love this book so much I disciplined myself to only go through a few pages a day so I could savor every little bit of it.If you are an artist or designer then this book is an absolute must.
The Artist's Way By Julia Cameron -- This is a wonderful book that will help inspire creativity in you. There are workshops and exercises that will be of particular help if you consider yourself to be "blocked" I own this book and have gone through every exercise. One quote I like in particular is about going for what you love to do. "Leap and the net will appear"
Travels By Michael Crichton
Crichton is the author of Jurassic Park and Andromeda Strain and many other fantastic books. This one however is very special. He writes about his travels through the known and the unknown.
He explores the world of mountains and scuba diving and encounters with psychics and exorcists all in the quest for meaning. This is a fantastic book and I have re-read it several times. If you are searching for answers I highly recommend this book
The Last Adventure of Life: Sacred Resources for Transition
"The Last Adventure of Life" is an inspirational resource book that presents a fresh look at life, death, grief, and change of every kind. Maria Dancing Heart, a seasoned hospice worker, has compiled her own reflections with a variety of material she has gathered over the years: Inspirtational stories, poetry, scripture, prayers, guided meditations, and alternative/wholistic healing methods. These pieces encompass all walks of life to help the reader acknowledge the unity and interconnectedness of all as s/he walks through the changes in life. An annotated bibliography is also included. More than ever it is time for each of us on the planet to awaken to our mortality and our spiritual nature. We are called to live with deep awareness of how we affect one another and the planet. This book will assist us in our healing - coming into balance - as we become a part of the healing of the whole Earth. Visit the Authors Website: thelastadventureoflife.com