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We Can't Trust the Sword of A Thousand Truths to a Noob!







That line is a quote from an episode of southpark the cartoon. If you are young or a teen you are no doubt a big fan of southpark. If you are an adult like me you may have never seen an episode.

I have never seen an episode and a friend told me I just had to see the "Warcraft" episode. Being a very active and avid, almost rabid, online gamer I thought I would give it a shot.


Well I watched the "Make love not Warcraft" southpark episode and I gotta say: This is one of the funniest, things I have ever seen! really, It is just laugh out loud hilarious half hours on television. (If you play online games (MMORPG's) If you don't play online games you are going to miss a lot of the references) If you play online games and in particular Warcraft you have got to see this episode. They have done an amazing lampoon with a keen eye and a real feel for what online gaming is right. The characters even use the right terminology and key strokes. And one of the really great things about this episode is that half of it actually takes place in the world of warcraft which is a real treat. Check out this youtube video of the complete episode without commercials: SouthPark: Make Love Not Warcraft And about Warcraft: Amazon.com has got it cheap:

World of Warcraft World of Warcraft





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