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The Bonsai Trio Kit
I bought the bonsai trio kit from amazon.com. Mostly because I love the challenge of growing bonsai from seed. There is a purity to it that I like.
And there is another benefit. It is cheaper than buying seeds! Yup, true fact. If you buy three packets of seeds suitable for bonsai it will cost you more than this kit.
And with this kit you get peat moss, pots, plastic bags and instructions. How can you go wrong? |

Plant Theatre Bonsai Trio Kit - 3 Distinctive Bonsai Trees to Grow - Great Gift
The kit contains the following varieties 1 packet of Silver Birch seeds (Betula Pendula) - a fantastic tree to learn with, it is deciduous and has many qualities including attractive bark, small leaves and autumn colour. 1 packet of Red Maple seeds (Acer Rubrum) - a native American deciduous tree which makes a vibrant and colourful Bonsai. 1 packet of Mountain Pine seeds (Pinus Mugo Pumilio) - an evergreen with a rounded spread and shape and dark green foliage. Also included in the box are 6 starter growing pots made from peat, 6 Peat blocks which expand when watered, 6 Plant Markers, 6 Plastic propagation bags and Sowing and Growing Tips. (Please note the picture of the ceramic pot on the box is not included and is for illustrative purposes only).
Here is what is in the kit:
Plastic Bags, Peat plugs, labeling sticks, instruction book, 6 pots, 3 packets of seed. (Note that the seeds are stamped "packaged for 2015" which is terrific! They haven't been sitting around a warehouse for years. They are fresh.

Note from Will: This is a running tutorial that I am doing over time so you can follow along with the process and the success (or failure) of this kit and of the bonsai. This whole process takes time to complete. (weeks)
Here is a quick overview of what will occur:
- Put the seeds in water to soften them for germination (24 hours)
- Sow the seeds into compost in the pots. Put them in plastic bags and put them in a cool spot for 2-3 weeks
- Put the bags in the refrigerator for 4-6 weeks
- Remove from fridge and put in a cool shaded spot until they germinate
- After they germinate remove the pots from the bags and let seedlings strengthen
- Once strong enough transplant into a normal 4 inch pot
- after one year transplant to a more permanent pot
Step 1 (Sep 5, 2015)
I have taken the seeds out of the packets and placed them in water

Step 2 (Sep 6, 2015)

I have removed the seeds from the water and planted them very shallow in the pots.

To do this I soaked the compost discs in water. They come with the kit.

As the compost disk absorbs water it will swell significantly in size. Squeeze out all the excess water.

Then crumble it up and put it in the pots.

Sow the seeds by placing them on the soil and then covering them with a thin layer of the compost.
Now perforate a few holes in the plastic bags and place the seeded pots in the bags and seal them up. That's it for this step. Place the bags in a cool place out of direct sunlight. And now we wait 2-3 weeks for the next step. I also did a variation on these instructions. Read what I did below.

Variation on a theme

You can see the three planters in the back that are bagged. For these I followed the instructions that come with the kit.
But there were lots of seeds, at least a dozen of each, so I split them up. I took half the seeds of each batch and went right ahead and sown them in potting soil.
Let's see how these do without all the refrigeration and waiting.
Lets continue and see how all these seeds are doing. I have some results

And for this batch that are directly potted I used an Organic potting soil that is designed for good water retention. Miracle-Gro 71678127 Nature's Care Organic Potting Mix with Water Conserve, 8-Quart
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