Make Money with a website -Tutorial

Join and sell books related to your subject

Let's start out by joining the affiliate program. They are the biggest and the best of all the affiliate programs. It will cost you nothing and they have almost every type of product imaginible. You will be offering these products to your web visitors and if they buy anything you will be making a percentage of the sale.Click on this link then click on the Join Now Button.

Join The Affiliate Program for free

After you fill out the necessary information you can get the code you need to put on your website.

Click on the Build Links Button and you are given the option to create lots of different kinds of links.

Let's start out by creating a simple banner.

Select the Banner Links option then browse through the banners to see one that you like. Click on the get code button then you will get several lines of html code that looks something like this:

<iframe src="" width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Copy this and paste it into your website. It has code embedded into it that let's know the web visitor is one of your customers. This way you can be credited with the sale. It is important that you get the whole thing. If you leave out any characters it will not be correct and you will not get the credit.

Here is what the code looks like when I pasted it here:

<-- Amazon Banner

Now let's get more specific and create a link to a specific product.

Open up a new browser window and go to You can click on the banner above if you want.

Now browse through Amazon and find a product that your web visitors would be interested in.

I have chosen a book. Make note of the ASIN Number of that product. It is a ten digit code. Write it down. This is the key to finding that exact product.

In my example I have chosen a Stephen King book and the ASIN number is: 0743292332

Now log back into your affiliate program and go to the Build Links then select Product Links. All you have to do is type in the ASIN number and it will create the code for your link.

Now copy the code and put it in your website. Here is what it looks like

<-- Link to a specific Product

OKAY! we are on our way to making money. Now what other kinds of products would your customers like to checkout? How about posters? Let's add some posters and photos to your site.\

Add posters to your site


Custom Search

This is a website



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