Make One small change to dramatically improve how spiders
see your website
Proof that this concept works: I created two pages with identical content. But With one of the pages I followed the advice in this article. And it currently (Sep 19, 2006)shows up as the 5th listing on the very first search results page in google! The bad page doesn't show up at all. Who knows how far down it could be. I can't find it.
I am going to cover an important topic here. Do not skip over this. !!!! You have a webpage with a lot of great information on it and you want
the search engine spiders to see this important information. But what
does a spider do and what does it see?
A search engine spider goes through your page and makes an index of the
information. And one of the most important things they do is assign value
to the content of the page. They assign this value in several different
ways but one of the most important ways is by how soon the information
shows up on the page. The closer to the top of the page the more important
it is. So you want your keyword rich important information at the top
of the page, or close to the top. This way the spider sees it and indexes
it as important.
Let's do an example:
I have created two pages. They are almost identical except for one small
change I made. But how the search engine spider sees them is very very
Here are the two pages: (You can take a peek to verify they look identical)
Dragons Good page Currently lists 5th in google - right on the first page!
Dragons Bad page Beats me how far down it lists, I can't find it.
You can take a peek and will see that they look identical. But they are
This is how the search engine sees the good page:
Notice how the keyword "Vegetarian Dragon" which is what this
page is all about, shows up often and in the beginning portion of our
page. All this early text is about our subject. And all the text I have
in green is about our subject! It's great. The search engine sees all
this and assigns this page as having a high value for the subject of vegetarian
Spidered Text :
Vegetarian Dragons All About Vegetarian
Dragons Vegetarian Dragons Vegetarian Dragons
have long been the red-headed step child of the
dragon world. Since the dawn of time this species of dragon has been ridiculed
and made fun of. But Vegetarian Dragons
are misunderstood in the realm of dragonology. They
have gotten the reputation of being docile and meek but in reality they
are the meanest of all the Dragons. Wouldn't you be if other dragons always
made fun of you? Why are they vegetarians? The latest research has shown
that the vegetarian dragon has a very unusual three stomach system much
like the cow and their diet consists predominantly of a variety of hot
peppers. This is how they still generate their fire. Care and feeding
of your vegetarian dragon Caring
for one of this species of dragon can be a real challenge particularly
because they eat much more than their meat eating counterparts. A regular
dragon can thrive on one meal of a knight or princess every several months
and they will spend most of their time sleeping. But a vegetarian
dragon has a much faster metabolism and are
required to eat on a daily basis. You don't have to feed it chili peppers
or any type of hot pepper but if you do not they will not spout any fire.
Different peppers for different effects One of the most fun aspects is
the food variation of peppers. It is a little known fact that the color
of the fire that comes from the vegetarian dragons mouth will vary depending
on what kind of pepper you feed it. If you feed it red peppers it will
spout red fire. If you feed it yellow peppers it will spout yellow fire.
And my favorite is the bright green fire that results from feeding your
dragon green peppers. Resouces to more vegetarian dragon links Dragons
Dragons and meat Dragons and the vegetable eaters pepper effects on your
dragon Table of Contents for the Tutorial Introduction Checklist
for what to do Brainstorming ideas for your website get a free site get
a paid site choosing a domain name get free web design software ftp your
website Now let's add some awesome content Join the free Amazon. com affiliate
program Join the AllPosters affiliate program Register with search engines
Creative ways to advertise and promote your site Affinity Links Guestbooks
& Bulletin Boards Write essays Submit to directories More money: Google
adwords Feedback- tracking your website progress STAY MOTIVATED The Money
Making Bookstore Money Making Advanced Topics Kanoodle in addition to
google adsense Keywords and more keywords Design for easy search engine
crawling Using a sitemap Google ads: Place them on the page properly to
increase your sales Advanced article writing All Materials, unless otherwise
stated are Copyright© Kalif Publishing and If
you have questions or would like to contribute you can email the owner
and webmaster Will --------- Storm The - My personal site with
lots of creativity related stuff, make video games etc Castle
Fantasy books , movies and lots more - The webs only
site devoted to epic fantasy and swords and sorcery The Penny
One mans quest to make a million dollars Heroic Dreams Blog The Epic fantasy
blog for daily information Fantasy Forum You can discuss topics in fantasy
and science fiction More Tutorials on Basic Web design issues How to register
with search engines to drive traffic to your site Swapping Links with
other webmasters Basics of clean web design Modify your 404 page - very
important Basic web design software for free Stop Making excuses and just
do it Get a counter on your site Keeping Tables straight
Now lets look at the bad page:
Our keyword shows up only twice! This is the title of the page. Then
all the red has nothing to do with our subject! We finally get to the
importat stuff way down the page! This page will rank poorly with the
search engine - Even though they look identical to a person browsing the
pages! The search engine will see this page as not very important to the
subject of Vegetarian dragons.
Spidered Text :
Vegetarian Dragons All
About Vegetarian Dragons Table
of Contents for the Tutorial Introduction Checklist for what to do Brainstorming
ideas for your website get a free site get a paid site choosing a domain
name get free web design software ftp your website Now let's add some
awesome content Join the free Amazon. com affiliate program Join the AllPosters
affiliate program Register with search engines Creative ways to advertise
and promote your site Affinity Links Guestbooks & Bulletin Boards
Write essays Submit to directories More money: Google adwords Feedback-
tracking your website progress STAY MOTIVATED The Money Making Bookstore
Money Making Advanced Topics Kanoodle in addition to google adsense Keywords
and more keywords Design for easy search engine crawling Using a sitemap
Google ads: Place them on the page properly to increase your sales Advanced
article writing All Materials, unless otherwise stated are Copyright©
Kalif Publishing and If you have questions or would
like to contribute you can email the owner and webmaster Will ---------
Storm The - My personal site with lots of creativity related
stuff, make video games etc Castle Fantasy books , movies
and lots more - The webs only site devoted to epic fantasy
and swords and sorcery The Penny One mans quest to make a million
dollars Heroic Dreams Blog The Epic fantasy blog for daily information
Fantasy Forum You can discuss topics in fantasy and science fiction More
Tutorials on Basic Web design issues How to register with search engines
to drive traffic to your site Swapping Links with other webmasters Basics
of clean web design Modify your 404 page - very important Basic web design
software for free Stop Making excuses and just do it Get a counter on
your site Keeping Tables straight Vegetarian Dragons Vegetarian
Dragons have long been the red-headed step child of the dragon world.
Since the dawn of time this species of dragon has been ridiculed and made
fun of. But Vegetarian Dragons are misunderstood in the realm of dragonology.
They have gotten the reputation of being docile and meek but in reality
they are the meanest of all the Dragons. Wouldn't you be if other dragons
always made fun of you? Why are they vegetarians? The latest research
has shown that the vegetarian dragon has a very unusual three stomach
system much like the cow and their diet consists predominantly of a variety
of hot peppers. This is how they still generate their fire. Care and feeding
of your vegetarian dragon Caring for one of this species of dragon can
be a real challenge particularly because they eat much more than their
meat eating counterparts. A regular dragon can thrive on one meal of a
knight or princess every several months and they will spend most of their
time sleeping. But a vegetarian dragon has a much faster metabolism and
are required to eat on a daily basis. You don't have to feed it chili
peppers or any type of hot pepper but if you do not they will not spout
any fire. Different peppers for different effects One of the most fun
aspects is the food variation of peppers. It is a little known fact that
the color of the fire that comes from the vegetarian dragons mouth will
vary depending on what kind of pepper you feed it. If you feed it red
peppers it will spout red fire. If you feed it yellow peppers it will
spout yellow fire. And my favorite is the bright green fire that results
from feeding your dragon green peppers. Resouces to more vegetarian dragon
links Dragons Dragons and meat Dragons and the vegetable eaters pepper
effects on your dragon
Ok, so what did I do? How did I make this dramatic change?
The secret lies in the table of contents at the left of this page. In
the good example the search engine looked at this table of contents and
links last. In the bad example the search engine looked at this table
of contents first!
What do you do?
Make sure that the search engine gets to your important information first
by tweaking the table on your page.
Heres an example: Your page is probably a table that looks something
like this:

Table of Contents and links are here:
- link one
- link two
- link three
- etc.

Title of webpage
Body of your webpage All the important information is Here Vegetarian
Dragons information

More links and banners and graphics
When a search engine spider hits your page it starts from left then goes
right. So it scans all the information in the left hand column of the
table first then it moves on to the center column. Finally it does the
right hand column.
You don't want the search engine to do this. Your important, keyword
rich, information is in the center column. So how do you get the spider
to search that area first?
Easy - insert an extra row at the top of the left hand column like this:

Title of webpage
Body of your webpage All the important information is Here Vegetarian
Dragons information

More links and banners and graphics
Table of Contents and links are here:
- link one
- link two
- link three
- etc.
What happens is that the spider looks at the first cell in the left hand
column then doesnt move down, it moves to the next column and looks at
that cell! Then it looks at the right hand column and finally it goes
back and looks at the table of contents cell.
It's as easy as that! And it makes a dramatic difference in how the
spider sees your webpage. One tiny change like this will have a dramatic
impact on your web ranking.
Another advanced tutorial
A lot of people send me email and say that they have a hard time keeping
tables straight. They draw them out in their web software but when they
display them in a browser they look different. I have a nice little technique
that will show you how to keep your tables the size you want them. Keeping
Tables straight - Advanced Tutorial
Here is the tool for checking what the spider sees on your webpages:
Search Engine Spider Simulator