Designing Crawler friendly webpages
Here is a quick and easy overview of how to make your website friendly to the search engines.
(The search engines are not you! You know what your webpages are all about but they don't. They can only make guesses based on what they see. There are some things you should do to make sure they understand what your webpages are all about. Here are some easy guidelines for webmasters who want to focus on the content of websites and not the search engine optimization.)
1.The first and most important thing: Write lots of content in normal language. Don't get fancy and don't try to pepper keywords into your writing. Just write good stuff that people want to read.
2. Get this good stuff as close to the top of the web page as possible. Search engines rank content according to high it is on the page. The assumption is that the important stuff comes first and you should follow this rule. It is very important and has a dramatic impact on ranking in search engines. A good example of this is where I created two almost identical webpages and tested: You will be shocked at the results
3. Make sure your page has a title embedded in the head of the page. And make the title descriptive of the page.
4. Use the Description tag and write a good description of the page. This description often shows up in the description of the search engine listings. Make it short, interesting and to the point.
5. Break your page down into sections and use a headline for each section. Use larger size font for the headlines so the search engines see this as important.
That's it. Just the 5 basic steps to remember. Follow these steps and the search engines will love you.
The Title and description I talk about here are called metatags. If you are not familiar with metatags I am going to be doing a tutorial on them so check back soon.