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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is kind of an oddball project and I can't really imagine a whole lot of people wanting to make a paper mache watermelon but what the heck! I needed it for the katana and the watermelon video so I figured I would make a tutorial showing you how I made the paper mache watermelon. The techniques are solid and they will help you to make other paper mache stuff too. I also have a variation of this in that you can make a hollow watermelon out of paper mache and use it as a pinata! |
The Tutorial on how to make this watermelonMaterials needed:
Crystal Clear Enamel Spray Paint This is the exact product I used for my watermelon. It leaves a nice glossy finish that is perfect. It is available on Amazon.com or at just about any home improvement store. Roll over image for more information.
Step One: Roll up the newspapers nice and tight so they fit snugly into the bowls. Put some crumpled newspapers in the bowls too. This is to ensure the bowls dont collapse if you are rough with the watermelon.
You can even sand it gently to get it nice and smooth before painting it.
Step Four: Now paint the whole watermelon green. But don't just make it a uniform shade of green. Do the bottom half a standard shade of green then as you are working your way up to the top add yellow to the green in steps. So as you paint toward the top the green will be lighter and lighter. This willl give it a more natural look.
Step Five: Now, using the side of a sponge, dabble on the yellow stripes. Soften these stripes by painting over them with a very weak and watery wash of green paint. This will make them look more natural. This will take a little practice but you will get it.
Step Six: Finally, Spray a light coat of the Clear enamel to give it that watermelon like shine!