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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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This is a tutorial on how to make a great looking Captain America shield. It is pretty easy. The painting can be tricky but I show you some neat tricks to get the ring and the star looking perfect. I also have a video tutorial on how to make this project at the bottom of this page. |
Here is a look at the completed shield that we make in this tutorial. Really not too difficult. You can have this done in a jiffy!
And we put a handle in the back of the shield so you can hold it.
Can you make this Captain America Shield? You sure can! Here is one made by Alexander. It came out fantastic. And my thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us!!!
Selecting a shield You do have a lot of options when it comes to what you can use to make the shield. I have used a snow sled called a flexible flyer. They only cost a few dollars. The Flexible Flyer company also makes round sleds like this that are metal. That would also be a great choice. I have links to some of these on amazon at the bottom of this page. You can also make one out of foamboard or cardboard. It will be flat but still good. Or you can get creative and use the plastic cover from a barrel. Lots of ways you can improvise a shield.
First let's take a look at making the handle and the materials you will need. Use any kind of rope you can find to make a handle like shown in the picture by wrapping it with tape. Be sure to have a small loop on each end for the bolts to pass through. You will need two bolts, two nuts, and four washers. The bolts can be anywhere from one inch to two inches long. I used 1/4 - 20 bolts and nuts.
Mount the handle into the inside of the shield like shown in the picture. Have the long stems of the bolt on the inside this way the front of the shield doesn't have the bolts sticking out.
If you are using the Flexible Flyer like I am you might want to trim the outer ring off it. It just makes it look much better. I used a utility knife.
Let's Paint it!
If you are having trouble understanding this you can watch the video at the bottom of this page. It shows how to do it.
Now let's make the star in the center of the shield. Wrap a string around that inner circle and cut it to that length. The string is now the same length of the circumference of the circle. Cut that string into five even pieces.
Use one of those pieces of string to mark five points around the circle. These five points are the points of your star.
Now use a ruler to draw lines between those five points, forming a star.
I waited for each ring to dry before I started the next one. You might want to do that too. It will prevent smudges and minimize mistakes. I also used a fan to help each ring dry much quicker.
Your shield is finished! Congratulations!
Make the Hammer of THOR This is an easy project to make with just foam and a broomstick. Comes out great. Make the Hammer of THOR
Here is the Video Tutorial on how to make this project:
Options to Buy the Shield
Kids Superhero Dress Up Costume 5 Packs-Civil War Scope Vision Helmet & Satin Capes Felt Masks & Sound and light Shield & Sound and light Sword
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