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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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This is a quirky but fun little project where you make a dagger or sword out of ice. It comes out pretty nice and there are a whole lot of things you can do such as add food coloring to color the blade. You can have a foamboard handle or you can even do an ice handle. I show you several different mold types and several different blade types. I also have a video tutorial on this project. It is at the bottom of the page.
Quick overview of the process: We make a mold out of two pieces of foam. One mold is just a base and the other is the shape of the knife. We tape the two together. Coat the whole inside with Vaseline. We make a handle out of cardboard or foamboard, add a spine to it (dowel) and put that in the mold. Put the whole thing in the freezer and then pour the water in. Once it is frozen we take it out and remove the knife. Yay! I tried a lot of different ways to do this and came up with the best and easiest way.
Cut yourself two pieces of foam that are bigger than the knife you want to make. You have a lot of wiggle room with this. For me each pieces is about five inches by fourteen inches. And an inch thick.
Draw the shape of your knife on one of the foam pieces. Just make it a basic shape for now. Don't get too crazy with the first one you make. This way it is easy to come out of the mold! Cut out just the blade section.
Sand that inner edge so the ice doesn't get caught on anything.
Now trim down the handle section a little past half way. Don't cut all the way through like you did with the blade. This is where the handle will go. If you want your whole dagger to be ice, even the handle, you can go ahead and cut this handle section out too. And then skip the handle making because yours will be poured water.
Now let's make the handle. Mine is three pieces of foamboard. One has a slot on it. I also use a piece of wooden dowel. The one you see is too long. I just cut a piece off that.
Assemble that handle like this. Put a piece down, glue the slotted piece to it then glue the dowel in the slot. Just as shown in the picture. Then, not shown, glue that last piece on top.
The Handle is done.
Go ahead and put that handle right into the spot you dug out.
You can watch the video tutorial here ??
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