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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
A plague mask is something they really wore in the Middle Ages during the plague. They stuffed the beak with herbs and the believe is that this would protect them. This type of mask is also worn by the Apothercaries in the Assassin's Creed Video games. I also have a video tutorial on this project at the bottom of this page. And a web visitor has put together an amazing tutorial that takes the plague mask to a whole new level. Check that tutorial out here. |
ABOUT THE PLAGUE MASKS! -I got so many pictures of plague masks that I had to create a page for them. Check our the masks that people made right here:: Plague Masks!!
The Plague MaskMaterials Needed: The Template is here
Print up the template and rough cut the pieces. No need to cut them on the lines. Just rough cut around them so they are easier to fit on cereal box cardboard.
Glue all the pieces to cereal box cardboard.
Now carefully cut out all the pieces.
One of the pieces has a dashed line on it. Cut that line. Just as far as the dashes go.
The eyerings are exactly that - rings. So cut them out and also cut out the inner portion like this. Do this on all four of them.
Paint two of the rings silver. If you don't have silver paint you can use a light gray. It is just as good.
Now cut yourself some thin plastic for the eye rings. You can scrounge something up by looking around. This is a salad container I got from the local pizza place.
Place two of your rings on the plastic you scrounged up and trace around the outer edge. You are making two plastic inserts for the eye portals. Cut those plastic discs out.
If you want one of your eye goggles to be cracked here is the way to do it. In the template packet there is a cracked glass pattern drawn out for you. Lay one of the plastic discs over it and then use a toothpick and white glue to draw that cracked pattern right onto the plastic disc in white glue.
Now cut yourself four or five tabs of cereal box cardboard about this size. It isn't critical. You will use these to put together the halves of the mask.
Plague doctor mask on Amazon - (Amazon has lots of them!)
New: Halloween Projects Video on Youtube In this video on my youtube channel I have 24 project ideas. Check it out here Halloween Project Day 3 (Video on my Youtube channel) Fun and creative project. How about putting a diorama inside your trick or treat bag. You have never seen this idea! Video is on my youtube channel right here.