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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
In this part of the tutorial we finish off the sword by painting it and doing the biological added stuff. (Blood and guts) Part 1 of this tutorial along with a video is here
Paint black around the eyball. This will accentuate it. Then paint the whole sword silver.
Now use some great stuff to make the biological effects on the sword. (The Blood and Guts).
Let's paint it. Start with a light and incomplete coat of brown spray paint.
Then add some reds. We used several different shades of red.
Then a little bit of detail work with blacks and browns.
And to make it shine like it looks wet we used a crystal clear enamel sealant. When it dries it will still look wet.
Yuck! It looks disgusting. Perfect!
And That's it! Soul Edge is complete. Push and pull on that wire to make the eyeball move.
You can have swords, and wear them, just like Deadpool does. And for fun I also give you the template so you can make a miniature set like I made for the dragonslayer. Make Deadpool's Katana and holster