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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
If you play Skyrim you know what this object is! And you probably use it. It is the skeleton key. I show you how to make it with just some basic supplies like the plastic top to a paper cup! |
Take the ping pong ball and cover it in masking tape, wrapping around and around in every direction (sticky side always down) until you have a tape ball about 2" in diameter. (If you don't have a ball you can just make one by balling up newspaper or masking tape.)
Take the paper towel roll and cut a six inch long portion off, then split it in half lengthwise with the scissors. Once done, roll the cardboard up into a cone. Begin covering the cone in masking tape to seal it shut and coat the cardboard.
Place the tape ball on the wide part of the cardboard cone and tape the two items together. See picture.
Now, set this aside and grab your template, foam board, and tracing paper. Trace the template and transfer the key image onto the foam board two times.
Take a look at your lines, make sure you can clearly see them. Take your x-acto blade and cut out both of the key shapes. It can be a bit tricky in some of the smaller shapes but patience will help you. Make sure you cut out the key ridge in the middle of the key piece. Here is where you make a distinction. There's a pretty good chance one side of this key piece looks better than the other. We also had that situation. My advice would be to choose the side you think looks best, and place the key ridge on that side ONLY. Cut it out and scrape out the foam, so that in the depression, it's receding all the way to the paper of the foam board below it. See picture.
Sand the edges of the foam board down.
Can you make this skeleton key? You sure can!! Here is one made by Yanael. My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us!!
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