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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is a very fun and creative project that was put together by Tim. And my thanks go out to him for sharing this wonderful idea with us! Have some friends or family members you want to do something creative and special for? Well, how about a medieval style invitation to The Hobbit! If you would like to do something like this I have tutorials that can help: How to make a medieval scroll How to make a wax seal stamper
Here is the official invitation:
He purchased the dowels and caps. Painted them to look more medieval.
And rolled them into a medieval style scroll invitation The invitation The itinerary The ticket And put it all in a box to be delivered to the invitees!
I have done tutorials on how to make paper and how to make a feather writing quill. Now I finish off that series with a tutorial on how to make ink. And it is real easy to do! You probably have everything you need right in the kitchen. How to make Ink
You can easily make one of those old fashioned writing instruments out of a feather. I show you how. You just need a turkey feather. This is a great companion project to my paper making stuff. Make a feather quill pen.
Fun and easy little project and I have already received a bunch of pictures from people who have made these! How to make a medieval scroll
Make a Wax seal stamper: Yes, make your very own wax stamper with a coat of arms, family crest or just your initials. I made a gauntlet holding a sword. Fun little medieval project. We don't write letters much but if you do send a correspondence it would be fun to officially wax seal it like this! Make a wax seal stamper.
Do you like making projects and exploring a variety of hobbies? Sign up for my free newsletter. I give you regular updates on hobbies and projects you can make. it is totally free and I don't share your email with anybody.