Note: If you are a member of a club or know of a club that's not on this list send me an email an I will add it:
Quick Tip for finding a local origami club. You might try calling your local public library. Many of these groups meet in a public library.
Origami USA - the American national society devoted to origami, the art of paperfolding. OrigamiUSA's mission is to share the joy of paper folding, preserve its history, nurture its growth, bring people together and encourage community among paper folders. On this site you will find many resources for origami aficionados. They have a quarterly Newsletter - lots of diagrams and News, activities and convention information. Excellent source for US based paper folding enthusiasts. They also have a large listing of Clubs across the USA.
Facebook groups-
Origami Group - A facebook group
Origami Interest group on Facebook (About Orgiami) - This is a great place to start if you are a frequent user of facebook. Lots of resources here
Nashville Origami Club - Nashville Tennessee Facebook Page
Origami Saint Louis - Saint Louis Missouri - They have a facebook Page
San Luis Valley Origami - Located in Alomosa Colorado.
OrigaMIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology They have a website and a facebook page - Cambridge Massachusetts
Paper Kids - New Jersey - They have a website here and a facebook page
Meetup Page on Origami - Meetup is a website that specializes in helping people meet up. This page here has the listings of meetups for origami.
Atlanta Origami Meet up Group -
The Crane Collective - Meetup Group in Denver Colorado
Hawaii Origami Club - Meets on Oahu Hawaii
OMG NYC - Origami Meetup Group New York City
Clubs with a website
Bay Area Rapid Folders (BARF) - San Francisco
Pacific Ocean Paper Folders - Beverly Hills California
West Coast Origami Guild- They have frequent meetings at various places in california including Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Palos Verdes, Sonoma, Sunnyvale Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington
The Greater San diego Origami Group - The group has been in existence since the early 90's and it meets once a month.
Chicago Area Origami Society (CHAOS) They meet at the Garfield Park Conservatory and meet every second Saturday of the month. Chicago Illinois
Iron Folders (Indianapolis Indiana) They meet the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Indianapolis Mario County Public library
OrigaMIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology They have a website and a facebook page - Cambridge Massachusetts
Triangle Origami Folders United- (TOFU) They meet in Raleigh North Carolina but their website hasn't been updated since 2013 so you probably should email to see if they still meet.
Paper Kids - New Jersey - They have a website here and a facebook page
Albuquerque Origami Society - Albuquerque New Mexico
Long Island Folding Enthusiasts - Long Island New York
Ohio Paper Folders - Nice website - They meet the third Sunday of every month at the McConnell Arts Center in Worthington Ohio
Geater New Bedford Origami Club - New Bedford Massachusetts
Origami Books

Absolute Beginner's Origami
By following the foolproof methods set out in this instructional, even those who have never tried this intriguing craft before will soon find themselves able to turn out sophisticated origami pieces. Includes 200 color illustrations, ten sheets of origami paper and ten sheets of practice paper.
 Origami Zoo: An Amazing Collection of Folded Paper Animals - In Origami Zoo, two of the world's finest paper folders present an exciting collection of original origami animals. Their creatures, ranging from the exotic to the familiar, the elegant to the whimsical, will both inspire the beginner and challenge the most accomplished folder.
Choose among the dolphin, penguin, swan, owl, goose, kangaroo, praying mantis, or even the mythical Pegasus or extinct wooly mammoth. Each of these thirty-seven new projects is true origami-folded from a single piece of paper with no cutting or gluing-and is complete with clear step-by-step diagrams, instructions, and a photograph of the finished model.

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