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Lion's Last Kill - The Epic Fantasy novel in audio

Note: August 18 - This novel is now available at online book dealers. You can now purchase a paperback copy. Here is a link to amazon.com

Latest Chapter 26 (Sep 1) This is the last chapter of the novel but there is an epilogue so check back next week



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An Epic Fantasy novel written in short chapters -usually less than 12 mins each and written for the nanowrimo national novel writing month project. Travel along with Bosch as he attempts to find the solution to the "Machine" he has built. His quest takes him to "The Oracle" where the answer is not what he expected.

This is a podcast of the free online novel title Lion's Last Kill. It is an epic fantasy novel and it is a project that I undertook as a nanowrimo project.

A little about the nanowrimo project:

November is National Novel Writing Month and the website Nanowrimo.org sponsors a contest where people sign up and pledge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in the month. It is a fairly ambitious project and I am currently in the middle of writing my novel.

I am also reading it into a podcast so you can listen to it as I create it.


Or you can download the MP3 files and listen to them on your own media player.

A New chapter is podcast every friday.

If you have a podcast player here is the feedburner feed. Just copy and paste it into your player


If you prefer you can download the chapters as MP3 Files and listen to them on the player of your choice or at your leisure.

Chapter 1
Meet Bosch and enter his peculiar mind where he has created an alter ego named Babbage to help store his observations about the world. Learn this through the chirping of a cricket he hears in his house.


Chapter 2 (Nov 19)
Bosch is building a machine. What is it and what does it do? Hmm. this remains a mystery but he knows that he can find the solution to finishing the machine by asking the Oracle who is on another world. Travel with Bosch through the threadbender to this other world.


Chapter 3 (Nov 22)
Bosch has built the threadbender many years before and he has traveled to this other world many times over the years. He arrives and meets with many of his friends in this world. He explains that he needs their help to travel to the Oracle who sits at the top of a mountain to the east -Mount Hoch.


Chapter 4 (Dec 9)
Bosch's first day in the other world. We learn a little bit about it's history and the scrin guilds.


Chapter 5 (Dec 11)
Bosch meets with Petra; the woman on this world that he so dearly loves.


Chapter 6 (Jan 16)
Bosch meets with his dear friend Avram and learns of an assassination attempt and of other things that are changing in this world.


Chapter 7 (Feb 9)
Bosch meets with the leader of the Military and they finalize the plans for the trek to Mount Hoch and the Oracle.


Chapter 8 (Feb 17)
The plans are complete and Bosch says his goodbye to Petra and along with an armed escort leaves the castle, beginning his journey across the dangerous lands in his quest to climb mount Hoch and speak to the Oracle.


Chapter 9 (Mar 1) THE DEEP FOREST
The Party enters the dangers of the Deep Forest and encounter the dreaded Blightbeast.



Chapter 10 (Mar 31) THE SWAMP
The Party has made it through the deep forest safely, now they enter the danger of the swamps.

If you have a podcast player here is the feed to cut and paste into it::


Chapter 11 (April 5) TO THE BASE OF THE MOUNTAIN
Bosch and the party get their first sight of Mount Hoch. They make it through the swamps and meet up with the scouting party who have found a good spot to camp at the base of the mountain.


Chapter 12 (April 7) Basecamp
Bosch and the party arrive at the camp at the base of the mountain. They spend one night resting and planning before they begin the climb up mount Hoch. Boch has another unsettling dream. The power of the Oracle is starting to wear on him.


Chapter 13 (April 14) First Days Climb
The First day of climbing is a good one. The weather is mild and the terrain is easy to navigate. The party finishes the day by making it to one of the portals at the halfway point up the mountain. Bosch considers the portals and the shape of the mountain and this brings him to a revelation about scrinsculpting and the Oracle.


Chapter 14 (April 21) Second Days Climb
The climb is starting to turn bad. The weather is changing and the terrain is becoming a challenge. They receive two messages from the base camp. The first message is troubling news. The second message is very bad. It comes from a dreaded Brek..........


Chapter 15 (April 29) Third Days Climb - Snowslide
The Third day of the climb is a difficult one. They are getting close to the top but as they are traversing the massive rock structure called the Dragon's Spine something happens...


Chapter 16 (May 9) The Last Hurdle to the summit
Bosch and what is left of the party reach the final cliff face of Mount Hoch and in the biting cold and howling wind make the hand over hand rope climb to the top where they come to the door that leads them to the oracle.


Chapter 17 (May 24) The Party Meets the Oracle.


Chapter 18 (June 27) Bosch, with the help of Babbage, has completed the maze and has entered the cottage of the Guide who tells him......


Chapter 19 (June 30) Bosch begins the descent down the mountain. He has learned what he needed to know and now his goal is clear. He must return to complete the machine; but treachery awaits. The assassin picks a perfect time to complete his plan.....


Chapter 20 (July 26) Bosch and Grel make their way down off the mountain. .


Chapter 21 (August 3) Bosch and Grel are taken to the lair of the Brek where the horses are slaughtered and things get much worse.


Chapter 22 - Bosch and Grel are rescued from the evil Brek. But Bosch is still unable to speak.

If you have a podcast player here is the feedburner feed. Just copy and paste it into your player

Chapter 23 - Bosch returns to the castle and to Petra where not only does he have news for her but she has news for him.

Chapter 24 Having successfully met the Oracle and learned what he needed and now able to speak again Bosch begins to put his plan into place.

Chapter 25 The people have gathered in the meeting room and Bosch tells them the word that opens them up.

Chapter 26 Find out how the novel ends

Epilogue - Ready! Thanks for listening and this epilogue is important so you want to listen to it.
