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Make the Dungeon Walls Part 2



So cut your foam pieces and your foamboard bases and glue them together. Notice how the foamboard base has had the corners cut off. Do this to your bases. This allows the wall segments to stand closer together when on the game board.




After cutting the foam you can use sandpaper on it to smooth out any rough edges.







Here are some other shapes you can make. They include doorways, portals, and columns of a different height.




And there are an infinite number of ways you can texture the foam. A ball point pen works really well for this.



Here are some examples of different texturing and painting schemes you can do.

From left to right they are brick, two color, single color black, stones, tudor.


And there are lots of other things you can make for your dungeon. These are accessories and they can add some real panache to your dungeon.

What kinds of things would you like to make for your dungeon? Come up with some creative ideas. Hey and send me an email with a picture if you make something cool!
Here's my email:

Here are some of the accessories I made. they include a lava river, a ceiling to cover and hide a room, a bridge, a sarcophagus and a fountain.


Okay, let's continue and I will show you some painting techniques