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Make a Marble Tilt Labyrinth Game - Part 2

In this part of the tutorial we make the playing surface of the game.


Draw out the playing surface. All those circles are fails. When the marble falls it will end up in the hole on the bottom left of the box.

Draw out the maze

For most of this it is pretty easy to understand. There are just various walls that form a loose labyrinth. But I have added two tricky parts to this. I will show you. Oh and you can probably come up with all kinds of creative ideas for your labyrinth.


Cut out the holes

Cut out all the holes.


Add one inch strips as walls

Then cut one inch wide strips and glue them down to make all the walls of the labyrinth.


Now let's take a look at the ramp and the gate.

I cut a slot out of one of the walls for the ramp to fit in. Then cut a piece of cardboard for the ramp and glued it in. Trim the ends at an angle so the transition from ramp to table surface is as smooth and seamless as possible.

Add the ramp


The swinging gate closes off the hole you need to win the game. It hinges on a toothpick.


Toothpick as a hinge


The gate will hinge on the toothpick like this. Hitting the left side with the marble will swing the gate opening it up so you can then guide the marble into the win hole.

It will hinge


Add a top piece to hold it all together. But be careful with the glue. You don't want the glue to interfere with the motion of the swinging gate. Once the glue has set you can trim down the toothpick.

Add a layer to strengthen it


Now drop that assembly into the box and you are ready to play.

Play the labyrinth game


Guide the marble through the first half of the maze, avoiding the holes. Then get it to go up and over the ramp to the second half.

Go over the ramp


Avoid the holes on the second half. Then use the marble to hit the left side of the swinging door. This will open up the gate.

Trip the gate open


Now you can enter into the end area and win!



And that's it! Have fun. Time yourself and see how fast you can do it. And then compete with your friends to see who can do it the fastest!!


Design your Own Marble Maze -

  • Design your own virtual reality adventure with Maze by Seedling! Combining high-quality materials with cutting-edge technology, Maze by Seedling gives kids an exciting new way to play. This beautiful, high-quality, 100% wooden board game is stylish, durable and versatile.
  • Set includes: wooden marble maze, 45 maze walls, 5 reusable paper grids, maze wall stickers, start & end stickers, 3 marbles, instructions, and BONUS VR viewer.