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Make the Killmonger Spear Part 2: Adding the handle to the spear

In this part of the tutorial we add the handle of the spear and finish the project.


For my spear I am using a wooden broom handle I bought at a home improvement store it is about five feet long and it has that screw on part. I cut that part off.

You can improvise the handle from a broom or even get a length of 1 inch pvc pipe from the home improvement store. I do like a wooden handle better though. It's more realistic.


Place your handle against the spear tip like this and mark the spear tip for cutting.

Cut out that notch. Cut it a little bit smaller than your spear handle so it will be a snug fit.

Then glue the handle into it.

Before the glue sets you should turn the spear and look at it from the side view to be sure it is nice and straight.

Now let's add the collar.


Cut a strip of foamboard about two inches by eight inches

Peel off the top layer of paper and discard it.

Wrap it around the handle right near the spear tip. Trim it and glue it down. Try to pull it a little tighter on the edge that is furthest from the spear tip. This will give it a little bit of a conical shape.

The arrow shows how this end of it is tighter to the wood handle. It gives the whole thing a nice conical slope.

I used a metallic silver acrylic paint.



And brown paint on the wooden handle. Note that if you paint the handle you should let it dry then seal it with some kind of sealant. Mod Podge works well for this. If you don't seal it the heat from your hands will cause a little bit of paint rub off when you handle it.


Let's finish off the spear with some detail work. I wrapped the center spine with a brown shoelace.

And that's it! Your killmonger spear is complete!


Make the Killmonger Sword

This is a video tutorial on my youtube channel. Never been to my youtube channel? You really should check it out. 900 videos! Lots and lots of projects. Start with the Killmonger sword tutorial video right here: Make the Killmonger sword