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Cloche Terrariums - or Bell Jar Terrariums

Cloche or bell jar terrariums are an interesting variation on the traditional terrarium. They are named after a victorian style hat called a cloche. Typically they are a dish or base with a bell shaped glass that goes over it. You can put your plants inside then place the glass Cloche right over it. It is a neat variation on the typical terrarium. In a way it is an upside down terrarium.


I have a nice tutorial on making a cloche terrarium. Inside it has a scene from the movie "Brave" and some nice blue lights as wisps: The Brave Cloche Terrarium

My recommendation!

Cloches tend to be expensive! And if you are new to terrarium making you might want to start out with an apothecary jar. Although, if you have trouble with a cloche you can always just clean it out and start over! But if you are just trying this terrarium making thing out to see if you like it you can start less expensive with a nice apothecary jar! That tutorial is here.


A terrarium in a cloche


If you want to get a look at a cloche terrarium I have some pictures of one here. Pauls Cloche Terrarium


Here is a selection of really nice Cloches and Dome bell jar glasses available on Amazon.com

Cloche with flowers

Achla Designs VBJ-02 Large Bell Jar

Our clear glass bell jars make perfect terrariums or covers to protect young plants from the cold. These replicas are based on 17th and 18th century garden cloches. Available in various sizes and styles.

Cloche with a cactus

Achla Designs BJT-01 Bell Jar Terrarium

Our clear glass bell jars make perfect terrariums or covers to protect young plants from the cold. these replicas are based on 17th and 18th century garden cloches. available in various sizes and styles.


Glass Cloche with Tray, Plant Terrarium. 7.25" H (1 pc)

Will bought this one and loves it. Great size and good feel to it.

Glass cloche

Glass Cloche with Tray, Plant Terrarium. 13" H (1 pc)


A cloche terrarium

The "Brave" Terrarium
This cloche terrarium depicts a scene from the movie "Brave". Fun little terrarium and it even has a series of blue lights that are the wisps. The Brave Terrarium


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