Here is what he has to say about the building of this 55 gallon terrarium:
well here are some pics of the 55gal terrarium i used a layer of
gravel followed my window screen to keep the sand from falling between
the stones then i put sand followed by soil. the stream has a plastic
layer between the soil and water and the stones are to hide the
plastic. I put the birch in there for the gray tree frogs when i go
catch them. and finally the moss to bring it all together. As for
live plants there is wintergreen and a small fern the is about to
start shooting up its fiddleheads.
The picture above is the completed project just ready for its treefrogs and salamanders. The picture below shows the terrarium in progress. You can see the placement of the the bedding stones and the larger stones that will build up the hill. You can also see the pump that will supply the stream. This pump will be hidden by the terrain as in the picture above.
You are probably wondering about how he built the stream. Here is a great picture taken during the process. See how he used plastic and stones? And the picture on the right is of the completed stream.

More projects that are similar to this one

Skipper's Tree Frog Terrarium - Here is another big and beautiful terrarium made by a web visitor.Terrific terrarium with frogs and a frog theme.

Make a waterfall for your terrarium - This one is a little bit different than the one above. This one is self contained so you can make it then place it in your terrarium. All the water stays right in it and the pump is inside.

How to make a large glass terrarium - This is my tutorial that takes you through the steps of making a terraruim incluiding housing for critters and adding a waterpump.
A fish tank makes a wonderful container for a terrarium. Pretty much perfect. They are not just for fish! They are of course glass, so they let in lots of light. They are water tight which means nothing will leak out and you can add a waterfall or fountain. I have a selection of glass containers that you can use as an aquarium. And some glass containers that are specially made for use as a terrarium or a viviarium: Glass Terrariums
More Frog Terrarium Stuff here: I have books, actual terrariums and more stuff about frog terrariums

Terrarium and Cage Construction and Care
Reptile and amphibian owners add a new dime nsion to their hobby when they design and build terraria that simulate the natural h abitats of their companion animals. This book gives directions for a variety of terr arium options. You can build enclosures in spare rooms, glass tanks, greenhouses, ou tdoor pools, or virtually any other available space. With this book's help, you can also transform your terrarium into a scaled-down replica of desert, rain forest, sem iaquatic, or woodland environment.
You'll find basic carpentry instructions, along with advice on using screening material, glass panels, rocks, logs, and plants that fit into the newly created environment. If you own snakes, lizards, frogs, gec kos, turtles, or other animals suitable for terraria, you'll find a design in these pages to fit your needs.

Natural Terrariums (Complete Herp Care) This comprehensive guide profiles several types of terrariums--sandy desert, rocky desert, woodland, rainforest, and others--and which animals would be suitable for each. Step-by-step instructions guide the reader through the terrarium design and construction process and suggest where to purchase materials.

Frogs, Toads, and Treefrogs (Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals)
Terrarium keepers will find advice from two of the country's leading experts on amphibians, their housing, care, and breeding in this helpful title. This book is a title in Barron's extensive line of Complete Pet Owner's Manuals . Heavily illustrated with color photos and instructive line art, these books present information on housing, feeding, health care, the title animal's traits--and where applicable, on grooming, training, and breeding. Each book is individually written by a trainer, breeder, veterinarian, or other animal specialist. The titles cover virtually all animals that are kept as pets, and include a wide selection of dog and cat breeds, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, small mammals, and even some insects and arachnids.

Premium Kit for Small Terrarium (Succulent, Cactus, and Fairy Garden)
Perfect kit for a first time terrarium gardener or to give as a gift. Provides the exact amount of the specific "ingredients" necessary to build a thriving small terrarium. Will work for closed terrariums, open terrariums, fairy gardens, as well as with succulents and cactii. Kit includes terrarium potting soil, activated charcoal, two different sizes of semi-polished river rocks, shag moss, and complete but easy to follow step-by-step instructions. The ingredients supplied are in the following approximate amounts: 9 oz. soil; 8 oz. small river rocks; 8 oz. larger river rocks; 1 oz. activated charcoal; 1 oz. sheet moss. Great for anyone wanting to set up a terrarium without having to go and find all the different pieces separately. Please note that the kit does NOT include a container or plants. Please also note that this kit is for a SMALL terrarium. We recommend using a mason jar if you are making a closed terrarium or a container with a 4 - 6" diameter if you are making a succulent or cactus terrarium. |