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The Lost Van Gogh - Scene Box Project

Vincent Van Gogh is arguably the most famous painter of all time. He was prodigious in his output. And over the past centuries some of his works were stolen, some have disappeared and some, like this one was destroyed and is lost forever.

The painting is "The Painter on his way to work" and it was painted in 1888. In this project we make a scene box from this lost painting - in a small way we bring it back to life!

Download the free pdf right here




Earn a Certificate of Contribution!

Certificate of contribution

If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of completion from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.

My email:

A web visitor (Roberto) made this scene box. And he sent me pictures! He also added some nice details including some excellent yellow color! My thanks go to Roberto for sharing it with us!



A Note about what paper to use for this project.

You can use normal printer paper but it is a bit too flimsy. It will be weak. You should use paper that is a bit thicker than normal. Paper comes in an old fashioned scale called pounds. The higher the pound number the thicker the paper. Normal printer paper is 20 pound. I recommend you use at least 65 pound paper to make this. I bought a pack of 65 pound paper at walmart for less than 4 dollars. It is also available on amazon here.


Elmers Precision Tip Glue Pens -

If you want it nice and durable then get 90 pound paper. I love that paper. It is very strong and sturdy.








If you don't have heavier pound paper that is ok. You can still do this project quite nicely by printing it up on normal printer paper, cutting out the pieces and glue-sticking them to manila folder paper or cereal box cardboard.


Let's Make this Project

Print up the template and cut out the various pieces. Note that dashed lines are fold lines. You don't cut those lines.

And don't forget to cut out Vincent, and the internal parts.


This is how you cut Vincent out.


Make creases on all the dashed lines. These are the tabs for gluing the parts together.


Okay, You can watch the video tutorial below or continue on to the next part and put the box together

Watch the video here:





Neenah 65 Pound Paper -


X-acto knife with safety cap -


8 inch bone folder -




Rapunzel Paper Diorama

Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama (Tatebanko)

Here is an easy scene from the Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel that you can make. I give you everything in the template. You print it up and put it together. Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama