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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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In this part of the tutorial we cast the plaster into the mold and this makes our copy. We remove it and paint it. Part 1 of this tutorial is here
Now we mix up our plaster. We are using Hydrocal. With that we use 1 part water to 2 parts hydrocal. Mix it according to the directions. For this we shake pour it into the water then let it sit for two minutes.
Pour a portion of your hydrocal into the mold and swirl the mold around a bit. This is to get it into the various creases and holes inside. It minimizes any air pocket formation.
Then go ahead and finish pouring the rest of the hydrocal in.
Rap on the table sharply many times. This will release any air bubbles in the plaster. You will see bubbles rise up in it.
Once the plaster has set you can remove the whole thing from the container.
Using a plastic knife cut away all the rubber from the mold.
Continue removing the rubber until it is all gone. It is easy to do. It isn't like real rubber it is more like jello.
There will be little imperfections in the cast. You can clean these up gently with a variety of tools including x-acto knives, sand paper, and small files.
The cast is done and it looks great! Now let's paint it.
Lets continue with the tutorial
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