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Make a Wizard's Pipe Part 4 : Making the Stand


In this part of the tutorial we make the stand for the pipe.

Part 1 of this tutorial with video is here


You can design any kind of stand you want or you can make our stand. Here I show you the design we came up with. It is a nice elven kind of thing where the pipe bowl sits on a leaf and the stem is supported by a vine.

Make drawings



Cut out the leaves


We drew out two identical leaves on foam board then cut them out.










Glue the leaves

Glue those leaves together, one right on top of the other.










Draw a circle

Draw a circle on the top leaf like this. Put it off center on the leaf not in the center!










Carve out the circle

Cut the top paper in that circle then either sand or carve out a depression in that top leaf. The bowl of the pipe will sit in this. So test it. Put the bowl of the pipe in it and adjust the circle and depression to make it fit comfortably.








Twist wire

Cut two pieces of wire about four inches each. And loosely twist them together like this. Put some glue on them in spots if needed for them to stay together firmly. And on one end leave a U opening.








Make the stand

Now glue that wire to the leaf like this.










Paint the stand

Ok! The leaf is done! You can adjust the wire vine to accommodate your pipe.








Mod podge it

If you have some kind of sealant then go ahead and seal the pipe and the stand. And that is it! You are done!!










The completed pipe



Wizards puzzle boxMake a Wizard's Puzzle Box

It is a neat little chest to keep things in. But it also has a secret. Only you know the secret to opening it. Fun! I give you the template to make it. Just some foamboard and a hot glue gun! Make a Wizard's Puzzle Box



Make Gandalf's Sword Glamdring


This is one of my easiest sword projects and it looks great. You just need a few basic materials and I give you the template which makes it very easy to do! Make Glamdring





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