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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
We have made all the parts and now we put the pieces together.
To make this project you need a round pencil or a wooden dowel. That pencil will act as an axle for the rolling part of the theatre. Use that pencil to pierce four holes. Two holes in the top of the project and two holes in the bottom of the project.
Next glue together five of the parts: The bottom, front, back and two sides. Don't glue on the top yet.
Let's make the spindles. Glue them together like this.
And glue on the end cap circular pieces. You end up with two spindles that look like this. Now cut your round pencil into some pieces. Make three of them 1/2 inch long and one of them 1 1/2 inches long. And, not shown in the picture cut another one that is 1 inch long. These are the axles. Glue these four into the spindle caps like this. And wipe away excess glue. You don't want that spindle cap to be bumpy with dried glue. The bumpiness could prevent the spindle from rotating cleanly.
Place these spindles in the box. Notice that the large spindle is on the left upper part of the box.
Glue the top on. Be careful not to get any glue on the spindles. We want them to spin freely.
Glue the one inch pencil piece into the smaller end of the handle crank.
Then glue the handle crank onto the long spindle of the box.
Okay! We have built the box. Now let's take a look at the paper scroll that we are going to put into it.
A light box is a wonderful little thing. You can use it for tracing, drawing, and even reading x-rays. But they are very expensive to purchase. I have a nice tutorial here that shows you how to make a great one very cheap. It uses a string of LED's as the light source. How to make a light box