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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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This is a tutorial on how to make a Dragon Priest mask from Skyrim. It is the Volsung Mask. A pretty easy paper mache project and you can either wear it or hang it on the wall. There is a three page template for this project that you can download and print out right here: The Volsung Mask Template If you came to this tutorial from my youtube channel give me a day to post the tutorial to this page! I also have lots of other weapons and armor projects you can make including the Daedric sword and DragonBorn Iron Helmet Right here: Weapons and Armor you can make
This is a paper mache project and there are a few different ways you can make it. I will show you the easy and fast way to make it and I will also give you some nice alternatives.
Here is the paper mache that I make. It is simply two cups of flour and two cups of water. You add 1 tablespoon of table salt to inhibit mold growth in the long term. This salt helps preserve the finished product for a long time.
You will also need lots of strips of paper towels or newspaper. If you use paper towels try to get the strong ones like Bounty. The cheap and thin ones tend to break and tear in the goopy paper mache.
Let's Get Started!
Print out my template and cut out the five pieces then glue them to thin carboard. Cereal box cardboard is perfect for this. In the picture you see the four pieces on the left. These will go on the mask. The one big cutout on the right is perfect like that. Just cut out the whole thing and glue it down. I used gluestick for this. Cut all these pieces out.
Use the big piece as a base and build your mask right on top of it. You do this by crumpling newspaper or paper into balls and taping them down with masking tape. For the most part you are just shooting for a bowl shape so your face can fit into it. But the eye holes are a little bit of work, Leave them open and crumple up balls of newspaper in the shape of a ball and put them in there.
This picture gives you a sense of what you are shooting for with the eyesockets. they are rounded, kind of like ping pong balls.
This picture shows what you are shooting for in this stage of the build.
Here is the Video Tutorial:
Instructions on how to make all kinds of masks out of all kinds of materials.
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