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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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This is a fun foamboard or cardboard project where you make Aragorn's Sword called Anduril. It is also a bit of a unique project in that it is also the broken shards sword. In the books and the movie the broken shard sword Narsil is reforged by the elves into Anduril. So, in this project we make the broken shard sword that you put together to make Anduril. It isn't forging but it is still unique and fun!! |
Materials and Tools Needed: You don't need a whole lot for this project!
Note about the broken shards sword: You don't have to make your sword this way. If you just want Aragorn's sword you can use this exact template! Here is how you do it: In the template tape together parts 1,2 and 3. That is the full sword. Make three copies of that out of foamboard. And, then tape together parts 10 and 11 to make two copies of the guard. Easy enough. You can have Aragorn's sword in about an hour. Step 1: Print up the template and cut out the pieces. Some of the parts are larger than a sheet of paper so you have to tape them together to make a complete piece. The template has directions and drawings showing you how. Trace the pieces onto foamboard. Some are duplicates so trace two of them. For example Piece 1 is the same as piece 7 so that template is traced onto foam board twice. Number all your foamboard pieces for easy of assembly. Cut out all those pieces. You end up with eleven pieces. Lay out the nine sword pieces like this. Placing them together nicely as if they were swords. There are two more pieces we don't need to worry about right now.
Now, this is important to remember when gluing. In order to get the sword to work correctly so you can assemble and disassemble it you only want to glue together three stacks: 1,4,7 - 2,5,8 - and 3,6,9 Take sword 4,5 and 6 and place it right on top of 1,2, 3. Then glue it together. Remember only to glue 4 to 1, Then place 7, 8 and 9 right on top of that stack. And do the same kind of gluing. Glue : 7 to the 1-4 stack Now, once the glue has dried you should be able to take the sword apart like this. You have three pieces. You have two remaining pieces (10 and 11). They are the cross guards. Glue one on each side of the sword like this. Not cut out the ornamental diamond shapes on the pommel and guard. Just remove the top layer of foamboard. Now we just need to paint and add the inscription to this sword.
Make the RingWraith Sword from Lord of the Rings This is a big sword yet pretty strong. I show you a special technique for making a foam board sword that is strong. It involves diamonds but not that kind! Make the Ringwraith sword from LOTR
Make Gandalf's Sword Glamdring This is one of my easiest sword projects and it looks great. You just need a few basic materials and I give you the template which makes it very easy to do! Make Glamdring
Make Gimli's Axe from Lord of the Rings This is an easy and fun project. Of course I give you the template. Make this and you will be ready for the release of the new Hobbit Movie! Make Gimli's Axe
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