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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
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In this part of the tutorial we paint the mask. This part is a lot of fun! You can follow our painting sequence or you can go ahead and paint it any way you like! Included in the template is a full page color picture of our mask which makes it easy for you to copy the colors. Part 1 of this tutorial is here
Let's Paint the MaskWe are going to have a lot of fun with the paints. In the template I have a full page picture of the mask we made so you can use that to look at and paint your mask. But of course you can paint your mask any way you like!! Here are some of the paints I recommend if you are going to paint it like ours! Red, Orange, a couple of shades of yellow, blue, violet, green, pink black and white. Many of these colors you can make by mixing primary colors.
So, start the painting with some of the larger areas and the primary easy colors. We started at those top points and worked our way down. Mostly doing large areas first.
Continue working your way through the mask. Here we have done the eyes, the pupils and the black, red, black around the eyes.
Looking good! Keep progressing across the mask.
Here is a closeup of a couple of colors (shown by the arrows). We didn't have these shades of color but they were easy to make. Typically you lighten up a color by adding white to it. Experiment with colors and have some fun with them!
Go ahead and finish off all the major colors on the mask.
Now finish off the painting by doing the little details.
Make The Zelda Princess Sword from Twilight Princess This is a fun and easy project and it looks great. If you are a fan of Twilight Princess you have got to maek this foam board sword! I give you the template. Make the Zelda Princess sword
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