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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
In this part of the tutorial we add the ornamental work to the sword and paint it.
Cut out the ornamental work in the template and glue it all to the sword. This includes the guard.
The Ferrule.
And the pommel.
Next paint the blade silver. If you don't have silver paint that is okay. Paint it light gray. It will still look good. If you really want it to shine use silver metallic spray on paint.
Now add in some detail color to the guard, ferrule and pommel. I used a gold colored pencil. It gives it a bit of an aged brass look. You can use any colors that you like. Or you can just accentuate the details with pen, pencil and marker.
A sharpie or black marker also does a really nice job in accentuating details.
And once the blade has dried cut out the engraving pattern from the template and glue it to the sword like this.