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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
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In this part of the tutorial we do some of the detail work to the axe by adding the couplings at various points on the dowel.
Next we are going to add something I call couplings to the axe. There are six of them, shown in the picture. They are pieces of foamboard wrapped around the dowel at points. Five of them actually wrap all the way around the dowel. One of them doesnt. It is kind of a half coupling on this side of the axe and it has a partner half wrapped on the other side of the axe.
Measure the width you want the coupling to be.
Peel the top layer of paper off the coupling.
These cuts allow it to curve smoothly without bending.
Then you curve it in place and glue it.
The coupling at the end actually sticks out further than the dowel. This is so you can later glue the point into it. So glue it to the dowel as shown. The red line shows where the dowel ends.
Here is a nice picture so you can see four of the couplings.
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