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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is a tutorial on how to make the mace of Molag Bal out of foam board or cardboard. Easy and fun project and you don't need much for supplies. One sheet of foamboard is just about it. I have the template for this project. You can download it by clicking on this link. I also have a video tutorial on this project at the bottom of the page. |
Overview of the Project: This is a pretty simple project. You cut out the template parts and use them to trace onto foamboard or cardboard. You cut out those pieces and glue them together. Then you paint it all up. Materials and Tools:
Print up the template and cut out the pieces.
So, lay out all the template pieces and trace them onto the foam board. The template tells you how many of each to trace. Some pieces yo make three of them and other pieces you make six of them. That big handle piece we taped together? Trace three of them. Now go ahead and cut all those pieces out.
*Tip for cutting foam board: Don't try to cut through the whole thickness of the foamboard in one pass. Make three cutting passes. The first pass cuts just the top layer of paper. The second pass cuts deeper and through the foam. The third and final pass cuts through the bottom layer of paper.
Watch the Video Tutorial
Make the Iron Sword from Skyrim Fun project that looks reallly good. I also show you a great technique for getting that Iron look. Make the Iron sword from skyrim. SUPPLIES AND TOOLS
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