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How to Sculpt Fantasy Miniatures Part 7: We begin adding the armor by sculpting the helmet


This is where we have some serious fun in the series of sculpting tutorials. We begin adding the armor. And one of the things you will learn here is that dressing up your miniature is a lot like dressing up a real character. You start with a nude figure and you add the various pieces of armor and weapons to it. In this section we do our first piece of armor by adding the helmet. This is an easy way for you to begin because its at the top of the miniature and easy to access.


Tips in the video: One of the important tips I give you in this video is that you really should draw out the concept art before you sculpt it. Everybody is different and some people don't need to draw out the figure first but I find that it really helps me a lot. I also show you some techniques to get the clay to look like metal.


Here is the video for this installment of the tutorial

NextContinue on to part 8 of the sculpting fantasy miniatures tutorial where we add the leather and chainmail to the Viking Miniature