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Painting Tutorials

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Painting Miniatures Tutorial part 8


The final stage of this miniature is to apply a texture to the base so it looks like it is running on grass. This will also make it blend into your dioramas well. And after it has completely dried (you may have to wait several hours for the glue to dry) you should spray seal it with a sealer specifically designed for miniatures.


Apply texture to the base

To apply a texture to the base mix yourself up a solution of three things: White glue, water, and a green color. Make it about three equal parts. It should be nice a watery and should stay wet for a while so you can apply a liberal amount of texture to it.


The completed miniature warhorse

Here is the completed miniature warhorse. The texture green texture on the base looks great and is a nice added touch.

For this texture I used a product from Woodland Scenics.


Spray a sealant for protection


Don't forget to apply a sealant to the miniature. This way it will last in great shape and retain its bright colors for many years.


NextContinue with tutorial - Some Tips, hints and guidelines


Fne turf shaker

Fine Turf Shaker, Green Grass

Comes in Shaker. Ads texture and highlights to trees and scenery. Available in six realistic colors, which model fresh, scorched and dying grasses, weeds and dirt roads. This is perfect for laying out grass on your diorama or terrain. You just brush or spray white glue onto the surface and sprinkle this on. This container holds a lot of material so you will get a lot of terrain coverage out of it.