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I am a big fan of Leonardo Da Vinci. Well, I would say that everybody is.

Video I made of my trip to the Da Vinci Museum in Florence.

Wills youtube videos about Leonardo:



Interested in DaVinci's inventions? Would you like to make one? Many of them are available in kit form and are available on Amazon. I have a page of them right here: DaVinci's inventions you can make. (This takes you to my list of projects you can buy on Amazon)




Coming: Chambord Castle - It is considered to be the pinnacle of Renaissance Architecture and it it is believe that the original design was by Da Vinci. But, it wasn't actually built until after his death.


A visit to the DaVinci museum in Florence Italy

It's a fun museum and it is very hand's on. It is a small musuem and it doesn't have any original DaVinci's it is a worthwhile trip particularly because is is a very hands-on museum and it focuses on the engineering work of Leonardo.





A humble insight into DaVinci's Annunciation painting. It depicts the Angel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary. There is something very awkward about this painting, it has received criticism for various things. And I looked at it and thought about it a lot. And an insight came to me. Read about it right here.


We are living in troubled times. There are many challenges facing humanity. DaVinci knew the solution to these problems over 500 years ago. I show you his solution in this poignant little cardboard storyboard machine. Watch the video and learn the solution right here: The DaVinci Solution

And you can make a wonderful little cardboard storytelling machine like this too.


Medieval Paint

How to Make Medieval Paint like DaVinci did!

You use egg yolk to make something called egg tempera. Its how DaVinci did it! How to Make Medieval Egg Tempera Paint



DaVinci Catapult

The DaVinci Catapult

I show you step by step how to make this Leonardo DaVinci designed catapult. It is unique and different. And it uses an embroidery hoop for it's power. And if you don't have an embroidery hoop I give you the link so you can buy one cheap on amazon.

Book review: Leonardo's inventions, drawings, and models







The Deluge - Did you know that DaVinci had a vision of the Apocalypse?