I have made a complete tutorial for this catapult. It is pretty easy to build and I suggest you go ahead and make yourself two of them so you can have a competitition with your friends.

Just for fun I made a video of me shooting off a projectile into a Lord of the Rings Mug.
The Teeny-Tiny Catapult firing into a Lord of the Rings Mug.
If you have seen my other tutorial on making a Geodesic Catapult then you are familiar with the process of using popsicle sticks to make a catapult. There are a couple of small differences in this assembly. I cut the ends off of the popsicle sticks so they tape together stronger and I cut some sticks in half.

Here is a picture of the base of the catapult so you can get an idea of how the assembly started. From here you just buildl it up and use plenty of tape to make it stronger.
Let's continue
Make up your own games for this project
The fun thing about this little catapult is that you can make up your own little games and competititions. See who can shoot the furthers or see who can shoot the most accurate. You can make a little game with a time limit and see who can make the most mug shots in the time allotted. You can even set up little figurines of each persons army and then attack! Last figurine standing wins!

I have made a fun game with this catapult called "Storm The Castle -The Tiny Catapult Game -
Learn how to make this project on the project page The Catapult Game - Storm The Castle
1000 Woodsies Craft Sticks
- Natural raw wood
- Birch wood, non food safe
- Great for use in classroom projects, party crafts, and camp crafts
- Ideal for crafters, teachers, and students
Want to build a bigger, better, more powerful or fancier catapult? There are some great books available to you. These books, available at Amazon.com will help take your catapult building to new heights! Pun intended!

Popsicle sticks have been a staple of easy and creative fun for as long as there have been popsicles. A little glue, paint or other things can really set the creative wheels in motion. Here is a book of more projects with craft sticks
Look What You Can Make With Craft Sticks: Over 80 Pictured Crafts and Dozens of Other Ideas (Craft)

Look what you can make with craft sticks
This book offers dozens of easy-to-make items that start with craft sticks. Crafts include toys, games, gifts, and decorations, with full-color photographs, materials lists, and helpful tips for getting started.
The Return of Gonzo Gizmos
This fresh collection of more than 20 science projects—from hydrogen fuel cells to computer-controlled radio transmitters—is perfect for the tireless tinkerer. Innovative activities include taking detailed plant cell photographs through a microscope using a disposable camera; building a rocket engine out of aluminum foil, paper clips, and kitchen matches; and constructing a geodesic dome out of gumdrops and barbecue skewers. Organized by scientific topic, each chapter includes explanations of the physics, chemistry, biology, or mathematics behind the projects. Most of the devices can be built using common household products or components available at hardware or electronic stores, and each experiment contains illustrated step-by-step instructions with photographs and diagrams that make construction easy. No workbench warrior, science teacher, or grown-up geek should be without this idea-filled resource.
Kits and More Siege Engine Projects
Another Interesting Project: How to Build a Trebuchet

The Trebuchet was a unique siege engine of the middle ages. It was extraordinarily powerful and was easier for military engineers to build because it used gravity as the energy source. I also have a complete project on how to make the Little Dragon Trebuchet.
Amazon.com also has catapult kits you can build
 Catapult Kit Lay Siege To The Doghouse! Right after you build your own working medieval catapult. All you'll need is glue, scissors and a steady hand to construct this wooden, Canadian-made siege engine kit. The finished catapult stands 6" tall x 5" wide x 10" long and will toss assorted stuff (meatballs?) 15 feet or further, depending upon the stuff. Comes with detailed instructions.
What good is a catapult if you don't have a castle to attack!

I have another project you might like. It is the Paper Castle and it has everything you could want in a castle making project including all the art work you can download. You just follow the instructions and make it yourself with some glue and cereal boxes. Build a Paper and Cardboard Castle It also has a learning sheet that helps to learn about castles when you are building it.