Vince has made a big version of my pvc catapult! He used 1 1/2 pvc rather than the 1 inch so it could be stronger a beefier.

He also used threaded reducers on the pivot points to reduce friction. Note that if you add threaded reducers you should put small foot pads under the catapult frame so the pipe rotates freely without hitting the ground.
This is a terrific upgrade. My thanks go to Vince for sharing the tip and the picture!!
Pictures of our catapult project for Cub Parent Medieval Times event @ Camp Grice NJ - Picture submitted by Luis. Thanks and good work!!

David has built my Goblin Catapult. And he made some fantastic improvements to it including enlarging it.

David tells us about the improvements:
Doubled the scale for this and added some additional support in front to help manage the higher stress loads. Not sure if this was necessary but didn't want to risk it. I also added two back braces with holes drilled every inch. Running a bar through these holes serves as a stop giving you very accurate shots at varying distances. Everything is made from oak except for the back braces which are cherry. The only thing I'd redo is the cup ... not quite as pretty as everything else but I was running out of time.
I ran into 2 challenges I wanted to share.
1. My latex surgical tubing only stretched from the horizontal cross bar over to the swing arm. However it didn't stretch (very little anyway) between the adjustment rod and the horizontal cross bar. In other words only half of my tubing was actually being stretched. I rounded the corner off the horizontal cross bar but it still wouldn't provide an evenly distributed stretch. That said, moving the adjusting pin didn't dramatically alter my range.
2. The other challenge I ran into was adding tenons to the adjustment plateau and drilling holes in the base as these didn't line up. If the top lined up, the bottom was off and vice versa. It's important to note the pieces I was using were 1" x 1.5" not one inch square so there's plenty of room to place tenons. In the end I aligned them to the top, drilled new holes in the bottom and trimmed off the excess. Totally no big deal but might be worth mentioning in the event someone is building a larger version.
Matthew has made my cardboard catapult and it came out amazing! My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us!!
Heidi and her son Alfie have made my cardboard catapult and it came out great! My thanks go to them for sharing the picture with us.
Randy and Jacob followed my cardboard catapult project and made a bigger, more powerful version of it. This was for a school project and it shot a pumpkin 5 meters. Good work and my thanks go to them for sharing the picture with us.

Richard has made my PVC catapult and it came out great! His catapult fires a projectile 17.1 feet. My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us.
Ben and Adam have followed my tutorial and made the Wyvern catapult. It looks great! They got it to fire over 20 meters. Nice work! My thanks go to them for sharing the picture with us.

Trevor has followed my tutorial and made himself a cardboard catapult for a physics project. It came out terrific and my thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us.
Here is a neat little trebuchet as a christmas ornament made by J. B. ! I love it! What a neat idea.
Here is my cardboard catapult project made by Glen. It is absolutely amazing! He did a terrific job with it! My thanks go to him for sharing the pic with us. If you want to make a catapult out of cardboard the tutorial is right here.
Here is the wyvern catapult made by Lionel. He did an amazing job. It looks fantastic. And I really like the cup for the projectile. My thanks to him for sharing the pic with us.

Here is the Wyvern catapult made by Bill. He and his daughter made it for her school project. It came out great!!

And Bill and his daughter upgraded it by adding more power and a terrific winching system so it could be loaded! I love it!
Here is the teeny tiny popsicle stick catapult made by John. It came out great and I like the blue tape. It gives it a terrific look. My thanks to John for sharing the picture with us!
Here is a catapult made by Benjamin. This is my table top mangonel and Benjamin did a great job! It looks terrific. If you want to make this catapult the tutorial is here.

Here is an excellent little catapult made by Katy with some help from her dad Todd. If you want to build an easy yet powerful catapult you can learn more about making this one right here: The Katypult!

This is a modification of my wyvern catapult made by Daniel. I call it the Koosh Ball Catapult! It came out great and looks terrific! My thanks to Daniel for sharing the pic with us!
Here are a couple of spectacular siege engines made by Daniel. They are A traditional mangonel/onager and one of our own hybrid design (compound torsion). Chucky 2 and Chucky 3 respectively.

Here is the Table Top Troll catapult made by Kyra. Wow, this is absolutely amazing. It came out terrific. She used a larger cup so it could throw small water balloons. And added more rubber bands for more power. My thanks go to her for sharing this with us.
Here is the Backyard Ogre catapult made by Hassan. Wow, It came out great! My thanks to him for sharing the pic with us.

Here is a catapult made by Zane. It looks great. My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us!
Here is a catapult made by Mike and his son! It shoots a golf ball 40 feet! They painted it the color of the Seattle Seahawks and they call it the Marshawn Launch!!!! LOL! Great name!! The power comes from Surgical Tubing. And they used a gate hasp for the firing pin which is very ingenious.

Here is a terrific catapult made by Ted and his son Sean. It is called the "Catapult in a Crate". They did it for a school project and it is out of improvised materials. Terrific job and great creativity! It will shoot a golf ball around 28-30 feet. My thanks to them for sharing the pictures with us!

Here is a catapult made by Kaitlyn and her dad! It came out terrific and I really love the paint scheme!

Here is the Goblin Catapult Made by Chris and his son Christian! And wow, they added monster truck wheels to it! YEs, now that is a catapult!!!! My thanks go to them for sharing the pic with us. If you want to build the goblin (without the wheels) I have that tutorial right here.

Here is another terrific catapult made by Dustin. My thanks go to him for sharing the picture with us!
Here is a goblin catapult made by Dan! Wow it really came out terrific and he improved it! Here is what he says: We simply mounted the original design for stability. It can shoot a distance of 18 feet and can also shoot very accurately. Thank you SO much for your helpful instructions and pictures! We couldn't have built this without you!
If you want to make a goblin catapult I have the full plans for it right here.

This is a catapult made by Dustin. He is currently making a much larger one out of 2x4's! He also sent me a video of this thing launching and it is pretty powerful! My thanks go to him for sharing this with us!
The Table Top Crossbow - This is an amazing little crossbow made and submitted by a web visitor. You have to check this out. More pics and information here: The Table Top Crossbow
Here is another catapult that was made by a pair of web visitors (Eileen and Kate) They based it on this project and added some nice improvements including a wooden spoon for the throw arm and some wheels. This catapult is an official award winner! The Award Winning Torsion Catapult

The annihilator! This is an eight foot long catapult built by a visitor to my website. He sent me pictures, a video and some tips on how he made this monstrous catapult! You can read learn more about it, see the pictures and watch the video of it launching here: Dr.Catapults Annihilator

Here is an arsenal of catapults! Learn more about this project and see more picturers here: The Arsenal of Catapults!
This catapult was built and submitted by Jim M. from Chicago. He and his daughter built it together and they built it largely based on my little ogre catapult project. You can see larger pictures of this project here. If you want to build a mid-sized siege engine these pics and tips will be of help: Jim's Catapult

Here is an awesome catapult built by Caleb. It has some remarkable distinctions. Check out bigger pictures of this catapult on wheels.
Have other people made a mangonel like this? Yup, Here are some pictures of a mangonel based on this project with the addition of wheels and some nice upgrades including staining of the wood. Submitted by Barry. Thanks Barry! Barry's Mangonel

A web visitor built my Ogre Catapult to 1.5X the normal size and it is great for launching tennis balls. Check out a bigger picture and see what happened when he and his son took it to the local park! The Tennis Ball Ogre Catapult

Like the Ogre Catapult but want to make one a little smaller? This is called
"The Little Ogre" and it was made by a web visitor (John L. and his son.) They made it 75% the size of the original Ogre and also added some nice improvements like a better pivot for the swing arm and a locking mechanism to release it with. More information and pics here. The Little Ogre Catapult

This is an awesome little catapult based on my trebuchet plan and with some neat modifications and a spectacular paint job! The spring makes a great alternative to using rubber bands. More pics of this spring catapult here

Here is a fun and easy little Onager Project. An Onager is a catapult that uses twisted string or rope for its power. This one is made out of popsicle sticks. Nice and fun project: The Popsicle Stick Onager

Here is a terrific little catapult built out of popsicle sticks and a rubber band. If you are looking for a powerful yet easy little catapult to build this one is it. Complete instructions with pictures here: How to build a popsicle stick catapult |