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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
An excellent thing about this project is that it uses simple materials. Just a sheet of foamboard and a cereal box is all you need. And well, paints too. I give you the template so you can make your sword easily just like I made mine. No need to fret over the design of it. I have done that for you.
Thanks for coming over to the website directly from Youtube! Will is working on this tutorial right now! But, the template is ready for you. Download it by clicking this link (it's a pdf) So you can get started right away. It's a pretty straightforward and easy build.
Earn a Certificate of Contribution!If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of contribution from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.
Tools and Materials:
The Grey Wardens are an Order of warriors of exceptional ability dedicated to fighting darkspawn throughout Thedas. They are headquartered in the very place of their founding, Weisshaupt Fortress in the Anderfels, but maintain a presence in most other nations as well. The Grey Wardens are known for ignoring a recruit's racial, social, national, and even criminal background if they deem the person valuable in terms of character, ability or skill. Despite their small numbers, the Grey Wardens have been instrumental in defeating each Blight so far, and thus are vital to the survival of the world as a whole.
This project comes in two easy parts. First we make the foamboard sword part of it. It's pretty much a complete sword after that. But then we take a step 2 by making the various ornaments out of cereal box cardboard and we apply them to the sword. LET"S MAKE THE FOAMBOARD SWORD Print up the template. and cut out the parts.
Use those cut out parts to trace onto foamboard.
You end up with six parts that make up the body of the sword.
Glue those six parts together to make up the sword. It is technically complete now and we can paint it. But after painting it we are going to be adding the cereal box cardboard details.
Paint the sword. Mostly silver but the handle is brown.
Use a sharpie or small paintbrush to add the herringbone pattern to the handle. A neat technique you can use when making the herringbone pattern is to first draw it with a blunted pencil. It will leave nice indents in the foam.
Now let's make the details with cereal box cardboard Lay the template parts on the cardboard and trace them. Trace two of each pattern. One per side of the sword. Notice the little pieces of blue tape I have here. They hold the template in place. Do this if you have trouble tracing the parts.
Let's paint those cardboard pieces. First you should paint them all white. This acts as a primer. It will make the colors pop. And, cardboard is very absorbent. It will absorb the colors and dull them. So, prime with white paint first and let it dry before applying the colors.
Here is how to paint them. This is a set for one side of the sword. You make two of these sets. Three of the parts you paint gold. The third, largest part, you paint grey. If you need to, let the paint dry then paint another coat. This will really make the color pop. Here is how to glue those four pieces on.
Finish off the sword by doing the handle and pommel.
And that's it. Your sword is complete. Just one more step if you have the materials. You should seal the sword with mod podge. Or some other kind of sealant. It will protect the sword and keep the colors nice and bright. The mod podge goes on milky but that's not a thing. It will dry nice and clear.
Your sword is complete!
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