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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
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In this part of the tutorial we finish the sword by gluing it together and painting it. Part 1 of this tutorial is here
Now glue the two blade sections together. One right on top of the other.
Then glue the guards on.
Let's Paint it
Start by painting the emblems. I painted the flames red, yellow and orange. And I painted the ring around them gold.
Next paint the guard and the blade silver. I used an acrylic paint which is good but it took three coats before it looked a nice shade of silver.
Next paint some of the detail work. Gold trim on the ends of the guard and on the tip of the pommel. This is a nice detail because the gold matches that on the emblem.
Now paint the handle. You can paint it any shade you like. I have a color that I like for sword handles. It is a mixture of four parts brown and one part red.
Finish the sword by gluing the emblems on.
And that's it! Your sword is done.
An easy project and a trick weapon. You can use them as separate blades or snap them together and use as a single blade. Make the Blade of Mercy
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