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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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This wizard's table could also be a bench or a desk. It is part of the on-going wizard's lair project that I am working on. You can learn more about that project and all it entails here. In this tutorial I give you just an overview. I don't anticipate anybody actually building one. But you may get some creative ideas, tips and more from this.
Materials Used for this project:
Before the actual building It took me a while to get to the point where I could start building it. I did sketches first to try to get a sense for the size , shape and look of it. I knew I wanted it to be pretty large and heavy/sturdy looking. This is a good tip for you when making just about any kind of project. You should start by doing some drawings and sketches. It will help a lot. And your end project will be better. I even set up some temporary tables wit boxes to get a sense for what would be the right size table and how it would fit in the room.
Once I had everything figured out I broke it down into pieces. Here we see the foundational structure of it. It is a table top, a base and four legs. That's it. The bulk of the table. And it establishes shape and size. s take a look at the basic structure.
Everything was assembled together with Liquid Nails. There are a lot of different types and some types will actually melt the foam. I used the liquid nails for paneling. It works on foam and on wood. This picture shows the top surface of the table being made. The top is pretty large so we glued two sheets of the foam together edge to edge.
The legs are very stout and thick so we cut several pieces and glued them together.
Parts ae clamped together or held together with wooden barbecue skewers while the liquid nails sets. Patience is important with a project like this. We want those legs to be fully set before continuing to assemble the table.
Here is a tip for cutting foam. A hacksaw blade works really well.
Meanwhile we cut out the base.
Video is Here:
Every wizard's lair has a globe like this. It works a lot like a gyroscope in that you can rotate the rings and the globe so it can be looked at from any angle.
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