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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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In this part of the tutorial we glue the sword halves together, cut out some more parts and add the hand guard to the blades. Part 1 of this tutorial is here.
Now glue those two blade halves together insuring that the X's show. This way the bevels are the right way and come to an edge all the way around the sword.
Now let's make the remaining parts of the sword. Cut out template parts D and E.
Now trace two of each of these D and E. Two per sword you make. And cut those pieces out. See the rectangular hole in Part E? Mark that onto the foam board but don't cut it out of the foamboard yet.
Now glue those two E pieces together one right on top of the other.
And glue around the edge of that assembly, spreading the glue with your finger on the foam. This is the hand guard and the glue will strengthen it and seal it from the painting.
Now let's cut the hole for the handl guard. Put the tang of the sword assembly on the guard like this and pencil mark all the way around it.
And go ahead and cut that slot out.
Note from Will: This guard piece in this shape and configuration is very common with Samurai swords and Katanas. It is called a "Tsuba".
Now you can put glue on the sword and slide that guard over the tang and into place.
There! It looks good. Nicely cut and crisp sharp lines.
Make a Star Wars Crossguard LightSaber The new lightsaber is quite a bit different than the usual ones. I like this one a lot. It has a crossguard which makes it much like a medieval sword. I give you templates to make two different sizes. Make the CrossGuard LightSaber
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