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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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In this part of the tutorial we continue making the helmet. Part 1 of this tutorial is here. |
Use crumpled newspaper and masking tape to fill out the horns. This picture shows two of them done. Do all six!
At this point, just before paper macheing it I added two more strips of cardboard to the dome of the helmet. This will make it much easier for the paper mache.
Now let's paper mache it! Mix two cups of water, two cups of flour and a tablespoon of salt in a bowl. Stir it up until it is nice and creamy.
Cut yourself a bunch of strips of paper towel or newspaper. Make them an inch and a half to two inches wide.
Dip a strip in the paper mache mix, wipe the excess off it and apply it to the helmet. Repeat this process lots of times to cover the whole helmet, horns and all. Stagger and over lap the strips. This will make a strong bond.
The layer of mache is half done and it looks great! Once you have the whole thing covered you should set it aside to dry overnight. Or put a fan on it. The fan will get it dry in an hour.
Here is the second coat being applied.
Now lets add some of the plate details. There are three pieces to this. You cut them out of cereal box cardboard. One piece shaped like a "Y" is on the forehead and bridge of the nose. The other two pieces are on each side of the jaw.
These cardboard pieces have rivets on them. So, if you have a hot glue gun you can add rivets by dabbing globs of glue. The front piece and the two jaw pieces get them.
Let's Paint it! Start by painting the whole thing black. I used a latex spray on.
Now the detail paint. Some red for highlights and creases and some silver on those cardboard pieces.
That's It! Congratulations! Let it dry then try it on!! Make the Skyrim Steel Sword Great looking sword made out of foamboard. And it is three layers thick which means it is strong enough to use. I also show you a nice techique for painting it to get this great steel look. Make the Steel Sword from Skyrim
Make the Skyrim Nightingale Blade Easy to make project that comes out great. And all you need is a single sheet of foamboard. I show you a build technique that makes the blade very strong and realistic looking. It has depth, it isn't flat. Make the Nightingale Blade Do you like making projects and exploring a variety of hobbies? Sign up for my free newsletter. I give you regular updates on hobbies and projects you can make. it is totally free and I don't share your email with anybody. |