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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is a tutorial showing you how to make Ludwig's Holy Sword from Bloodborne. It is almost seven feet in total length and it is a trick weapon with both an inner and an outer sword. And I show you how to make both. We use one inch thick sheets of XPS foam that is readily available at home improvement stores and arts & crafts stores. The template for this project is here
Ludwig's Holy Blade is a fun weapon and it is a trick weapon. That means there is a sword within the sword. And in this tutorial I show you how to make both of them and how to put them together so they work. Earn a Certificate of Contribution!If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of contribution from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.
Tools, Equipment and Material
About the foam I use in this tutorial. It is called foamular and it is a home insulation XPS (Expanded Polystyrene) that I purchased at the home depot. These exact pieces are one inch thick and 24x24 inches in size. It is a convenient size. You can also use craft foam for this project. Check out your local hobby supply store like AC Moore, Hobby Lobby or Michaels.
Three sheets of the foamular are enough for this project. You can improvise different sizes. I will show you the technique for doing this.
The white stuff is styrofoam. You can also use this. I purchased it in 1 inch thick pieces. It is not as durable as the pink foam but it will work.
We are going to make the outer sword first and to do this we need seven pieces of foam. Six pieces make up the sheath and the seventh piece is the guard for the sword. The sheath is two layers of foam and it is important that the layers overlap so that the seams do not coincide. This way they can all be glued together to form the sheath. We will make two layers of foam. Each layer is the shape of the sword sheath and they will be glued together. But it is important that the seams not overlap. Otherwise they won't hold together. Notice the yellow dots. This shows the seams and how they are in different places.
Make the Kirkhammer from Bloodborne This is a big hammer and it really works like the trick hammer. We also make the sword that goes in and out of the handle. Make the Kirkhammer
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