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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
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In this part of the tutorial we paint the mask. This part is a lot of fun! You can follow our painting sequence or you can go ahead and paint it any way you like! Included in the template is a full page color picture of our mask which makes it easy for you to copy the colors. Part 1 of this tutorial is here
Paint the whole mask a base coat of white. Both the outside and the inside.
Next, if you have Mod Podge then go ahead and put a coat on. It will seal it, protect it and give the colors more richness.
Mod Podge dries clear in approximately 15-20 minutes and can be sanded to a smooth finish. Apply with brush or sponge applicator. Close container after each use. Clean up with water while wet. Once dry, Mod Podge cannot be removed. Use as a puzzle saver, a sealer glue, a quick finish, a textured finish,or a build-up finish." Non-toxic.
Next, take this page from the template. And using a pencil go over all the lines. We want to get lots of graphite on those lines. No need to press hard. Just go over the lines multiple times with pencil leaving lots of graphite on the paper.
Once you have gone over all the lines cut that mask out of the paper.
Now tape it to your mask. But tape it so the graphite side, with all the lines you drew is down right against the mask. Not up facing you.
Now draw over those lines again. What you are doing here is rubbing the graphite onto your mask.
Now remove the template and you can see that the lines have been transferred to the mask. Draw over those lines on the mask with a pencil so you can see them clearly.
Majora Mask Pewter Legend of Zelda Pendant Necklace Jewelry
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