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An Uruk-hai Orc by Patrick S.


This miniature sculpture was submitted by a web visitor (Patrick S.) It is a bit of a mixture between an Uruk hai and an Orc. Nice Job Patrick and thanks for submitting the pics! Keep Sculpting!! Here are some tips from Patrick: He used Super Sculpey, and for tools he used one of the tool kits I recommend here on my website. One valuable lesson that he learned is that a stable armature makes a world of difference when you're sculpting a miniature! :)


Orc Sculpture Front View

Orc sculpture

Orc Sculpture back view

Orc Sculpture


Casting Metal Minis

A look at casting metal miniatures. Some ideas and thoughts with a video showing me casting some miniatures in metal. Casting Metal Miniatures


Miniature Lizard Army

How to make a miniature army (I make lizard warriors) I show you the complete process from start with an idea and a drawing to making a whole bunch of them (as many as you want), This is an overview that explains all the steps including, wire armature, sculpting the master, making the rubber mold, and making all the miniatures. How to make a miniature army