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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
In this part of the tutorial we start the building of the sword. Part 1 of the tutorial is here
Print up the template and cut out the pieces. This is an easy project and there are only six pieces.
On the two smaller parts (guard and emblem) also cut out the internal parts.
Tape together the four pieces of the template to make the sword . They are in order from left to right one, two, three, four.
Place that template onto foam board or cardboard and trace around it. You place it diagonally onto the foam board. And you do it twice - on separate sheets of foam board.
Trace the small pieces also. Each piece is traced twice. You see them all here except for one blade piece which is on another sheet of foam board.
Now cut out all those pieces.
Will's Tips on Cutting Foam board: Don't try to cut all the way through it in one swipe. Use a really sharp blade and make three passes. the first pass just cuts the top layer of paper. Second pass cuts the foam and the third pass cuts through the bottom layer of foam.
Make a foam armor Knight's Helmet I continue in my series of tutorials on how to make armor out of foam. And now we make the helmet. And a neat thing about this helmet is that the visor goes up and down. Make a Foam Armor Knight's Helmet
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